Sunday, February 17, 2013

1. Introducing Java

Introducing Java

Java is a general-purpose, concurrent, class-based, object-oriented computer programming language that is specifically designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible.Java is an innovative programming language that has become the language of choice for programs that need to run on a variety of different computer systems. First of all, Java enables us to write small programs called applets.Java allows us to write large-scale application programs that we can run unchanged on any computer with an operating system environment in which Java is supported. This applies to the majority of computers in use today. We can even write programs that will work both as ordinary applications and as applets.


The main goal of the Java™ Programming Language course is to provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary for object-oriented programming of advanced Java applications. In this course, you learn the Java programming language syntax and object-oriented concepts, as well as more sophisticated features of the Java runtime environment, such as support for GUIs, multithreading, and networking. This course covers prerequisite knowledge to help prepare you for the Sun Certified Programmer for the Java™ Platform (SCJP) examination. For information about the exam, review the web site:

What you need to Start Java Programming?  

First you need a JDK (Java Development Kit) Software. You can download from here.
Then you have to install it in you PC. You must be update with java. It will automatically update when you are connecting to internet.
Then you need a NetBeans IDE. Where you write your all java code to create a Software. You can download from here.  You can find here IDE for your suitable Operating System (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc).

Now you have to install these Software in you PC. 


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